Since early days of Aquaculture in Europe our founding partner was actively involved in the design and construction of several important entities, both public and private, starting from the structuring of traditional extensive farming, through the classic intensive farming of trouts, eels and marine fish species, to the realization of the most important experimental research centers and artificial reproduction in closed biological cycle. Always with a focus on reducing energy consumption, on use of renewable energies or on re-use of waste heat from industrial processes, he has designed and implemented high-tech systems for Thermal and Nuclear research Center of ENEL (Italian Energy Provider) in Civitavecchia; in Regione Umbria he built the Ichthyogenic Center of Trasimeno; in Campania, Veneto, Friuli and Lombardia (and abroad) he designed many productive fish farming plants, always adopting the most advanced and experimental technologies. He held positions as a lecturer in design of systems of Aquaculture in the post-graduate specialization courses for the Experimental Institute “Zooprofilattico della Lombardia e dell’Emilia”. A similar course was held at the University of Milan and has also been appointed as lecturer from the University of Padua - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, for the teaching of "Economics and plant of fish farms". DP&P worked, among others, on the plant renovation of an experimental aquaculture facility, on the island of Pellestrina (VE), on behalf of Veneto Agricultura (Agricultural Development Authority of Regione Veneto). In this area they are making researches and they are realizing the reproduction of the “Tapes Decussatus and Semidecssatus seed”, both for productive seeding purposes and for restocking.